Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Little Spark!

Figment is a rule-breaker.  He has his house on the ceiling.  Upside down.  Figment is an original.  Walt Disney had limitless imagination.  He named his thinkers and dreamers Imagineers!  I’m leaving my Disney Classics tangent (sort-of) to imagine imagination.  Can you imagine?  Sadly many children today can’t imagine.  They sit in front of the television watching mindless shows (thank you new Disney Channel), and playing violent video games.  Research has shown that children’s brains CAN NOT develop properly without pretend play, aka using imagination.  Where would the world be today without imagination?  We would have no space program, no sky scrapers, no iphones.  There would be no (gasp) Disneyland or Walt Disney World.  Oh the horror!  Turn off your television, turn off the video games.  A prominent neuropsychologist advocates throwing out video games altogether.  Play with your kids.  Go outside and find shapes in the clouds.  Go on a treasure hunt.  Read books together.  Eat supper together and have discussions.  Build houses on the ceiling!  Save our Imagination!  Walt Disney had a vision and dared to give in to imagination.  He let his one little spark ignite and grow into a vast empire.  An empire built on imagination!  To paraphrase Figment… One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation.  Right at the start of everything that’s new, one little spark, lights up for you! 

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