Sunday, April 15, 2012

Song of the South

Tonight I am writing about a true Disney Classic:  Song of the South. This is a beautiful movie combining the magic of Disney animation with the talents of live actors. The songs are memorable and have become carved in the minds and hearts of all who love Disney. What Disney lover has not skipped gleefully toward splash mountain singing Zip A Dee Doo Dah? Who does not have a laughing place? Sadly, today's youth do not know that the songs and ride that they love are based on classic American stories. It is the Disney Company's shame that they have chosen to ignore the Song of the South. Ignoring for the sake of not offending someone is not going to change history. The Civil War (War of Northern Aggression as we call it in the South) happened. Reconstruction happened. Slavery happened. If we pretend that these things ever occurred, how will future generations ever understand and avoid the same mistakes? I want to be able to share this story with others. I want to able to sit down and watch Brer Rabbit and Uncle Remus. I want to be able to relive those happy feelings of childhood with a movie that Walt Disney was proud to create. Please petition the Disney Company to release Song of the South!  (

Until the Disney Company decides to release this movie legitimately fans will continue to purchase bootleg copies of this dvd or try to find it in pieces on youtube.  Not releasing this title will not stop fans from finding ways to view it.  And just to remind you of the wonders that came from this movie:

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